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Gold Moby Trony (GMT) - free standing safes with digital code lock

Gold Moby Trony (GMT) - safes with digital code lock

Series GMT/P free standing safes

Safes with electronic lock with digital code and a laser cut door, certified to EN14450/S1.  

Colour: blue/petrol

Manufacturer: Technomax Italy

Choose the right size for your safe from the table below. 

External Dimensions (mm)Internal Dimensions (mm)Door DimensionsBoltsWeightVolume
GMT 3P 220 350 300 200 340 245 140 250 2 25.0 18.0
GMT 4P 280 400 350 260 390 295 195 300 2 1+1 35.5 31.0
GMT 5P 350 470 350 330 460 295 265 370 3 1+1 47.5 47.0
GMT 6P 430 490 350 410 480 295 345 390 3 2+2 56.0 60.0
GMT 7P 490 430 400 470 420 345 405 330 3 2+2 61.0 70.0
Tax included
  • GMT 3P
  • GMT 4P
  • GMT 5P
  • GMT 6P
  • GMT 7P

  • Opening/closing with recessed knob and locking by electromagnet.
  • Internal power with alkaline battery (not included).
  • High quality membrane keyboard with 4 LEDs.
  • Acoustic and visual signals to confirm codes, errors and internal battery deficiency.
  • Emergency external power outlet with contacts directly on keyboard.
  • Nickel-plated rotating steel bolts ø 22mm (GMT/3 ø 18mm, fixed).
  • Lock mechanism protected by a manganese-steel plate.
  • Horizontal and top vertical bolts protected by drill resistant manganese-steel plate 3mm thick.
  • Special door battens for exceptional resistance against robbery attempts using a sledge hammer.
  • Internally welded by a robot-controlled system.
  • Front panel seam-welded to the casing by a robot-controlled system.
  • Removable internal shelf.
  • Door thickness 10 mm; Wall thickness 5 mm.
  • Base and back fixing holes.
  • Screw anchor fixing bolts provided.
  • Oven dried thermo-hardening powder painting.

* Model GMT/3P is not EN 14450:18 certified.

Manufacturer: Technomax Italy