Anti-panic mechanism ISEO IDEA BASE INFILARE
Anti-panic mechanism IDEA BASE INFILARE
Suitable for fitting panic and fire doors with mortise locks.
Length of oval lever: 1130 mm.
With antibacterial coating Anti GERM.
Colour: grey, black
Manufacturer: ISEO GROUP Italy
Anti-panic mechanism IDEA BASE INFILARE
With antibacterial coating Anti GERM.
Suitable for fitting panic and fire-resistant doors with mortise locks.
Red or grey оval lever 1130 mm long.
Certified to EN 1125:2008 CE marking
Used in hospitals, clinics, laboratories, pharmacies, wellness centers, swimming pools, gyms, kindergartens, schools, universities, offices, shops, warehouses, hotels, restaurants, cinemas, museums, theatres, shopping malls, airports, railway stations, and many more.
Colour: grey, black
Weight: 3,440 kg
Manufacturer: ISEO Group Italy